MyTripTT Privacy Policy

Effective 20th December 2022


My Trip Trinidad & Tobago Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This privacy policy explains the types of information collected by the Company; how the Company uses the information collected about you; and the procedures that the Company has in place to safeguard your privacy.

The Company’s main purpose is to create and maintain a technology platform App that connects Subscribers and Customers. The Company may also provide services of any description related to, complementary to and/or supplementary to the main purpose.

The Company is the data controller. Questions, comments and complaints about the Company’s data practices can be submitted to Processing of personal information will happen inside and outside of the Territory, according to applicable laws.

1. Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 In this privacy policy unless the context otherwise requires:

a) “Apps” includes all mobile applications, technology platforms, websites, content, product and related services created and owned by the Company that facilitate Riders and Customers to request arrange and schedule Transportation Services including the purchase of other services from third party Drivers and allows Subscribers (Drivers and other Providers) to use the Services to screen, procure and fulfil requests from Customers for Services offered.

b) “Account” means an account opened by the Subscriber (Drivers and other Providers) approved by the Company to access the MyTripTT App to benefit of all parties regarding the Services.

c) “Subscriber” means independent contractors who utilize the App to provide Third-Party Services to Users. Subscribers are not employees of the Company. Subscribers provide Services to the Customers utilizing the Services via the App in their private capacity and not through any partnership, employment, or Joint Venture with the Company.

d) “Customers” means users who utilize the App to either request, schedule, arrange, procure or receive Services from Subscribers.

e) “Services” means access to the App and related services that facilitate Riders and Customers to request arrange and schedule Services including the purchase of services from Third-Party Subscribers and allows Subscribers to use the Services to screen, accept and fulfil requests from Customers for Services.

f) “Terms” means the terms and conditions of use that govern the Subscriber’s use and access in the Territory of the Services and App

g) “Territory” means Trinidad and Tobago

h) “Services” includes any request from Customers for transport, including the arrangement, scheduling, delivery and logistics associated with the provision of the services from Subscribers to Customers.

i) “Customers/Users” means any person who provides information to the Company, utilizes the Services; accesses the App to requests, receive, schedule, arrange or provide Services.

1.2 The singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular; the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter genders; the word “person” includes bodies corporate, companies, partnerships, syndicates, trusts and any association of persons; and the word “individual” means a natural person.


1.3 The headings used in this privacy policy are inserted for reference purposes only and are not to be considered in construing the terms or provisions thereof or to be deemed in any way to clarify, modify or explain the effect of any such terms or provisions.


2. This policy applies to users of the Company’s apps in the Territory.


3. The Company collects information provided by you and information received from a variety of sources as will be outlined below in order to provide and improve its services and to serve as a record in the case of any dispute.


4. Information Collected from Customers

4.1 The Company collects the following types of information from Customers:

a) User Account Information: In order to create or update an account on any app all users will be asked to provide the following information:


i. Email address;
ii. Phone number;
iii. Login name and password;
iv. Address;
v. Payment or banking information (including related payment verification information);
vi. Identification numbers, Passport number or Drivers Permit number;
vii. Birth date;
viii. Photo;
ix. Photo and signature; and
x. Any preference or settings enabled for the account.


b) User Data: Information that you submit when you contact our customer support, provide ratings or feedback for other users, or otherwise contact the Company.

c) Address book or calendar: If you permit the App to access the contacts in your device, the Company may collect names and contact information from your contacts for emergency support and help purposes. If you allow the App to access the calendar on your device, the Company may collect calendar information such as event title and description, your response (Yes, No, Maybe), date and time, location, and number of attendees.

d) Demographic data: demographic information through user surveys and other means.

e) Location: Based on the services that you use and your App settings or device permissions, the Company may collect as accurate a location as possible via data such as GPS coordinates and IP addresses.

i. If you are a Customer, the Company may collect location information when the App is running in the foreground.

ii. Customers may use the App without enabling the Company to collect their location information. However, this will affect the functionality available on your App. If you do not enable the Company to collect your location information, you will have to manually enter your pickup address.

iii. Location information will be collected from the driver during your trip, even if you have not enabled the Company to collect your location information.

f) Transaction Information: Transaction details related to your use of the App and the Company’s services, including but not limited to request for the services as advertised in the App, provision of said services, the date and time that the service was provided, amount charged, distance travelled, and payment method(s). Use of your promotion code by a third party may be associated with you.

g) Usage information: The Company may collect information concerning the dates and times that the App was accessed, App features or pages viewed, App crashes, system activity, the type of browser, and third-party sites or services you were using before interacting with our services. In some cases, the Company may collect this information through cookies, pixel tags, and similar technologies that create and maintain unique identifiers.

h) Device Information: device related information including but not limited to the hardware models, device IP address, operating systems and versions, software, file names and versions, preferred languages, unique device identifiers, advertising identifiers, serial numbers, device motion information, and mobile network information from the device you use to access the App.

i) Communications data: Where we enable users to communicate with each other and with us via the Apps, the Company may receive some information regarding calls or texts, including the date and time of the call/text, and the content of the communications. This information may be used for customer support services (including dispute resolution), for safety & security purposes and to analyse and improve the App and transportation services.

j) User Ratings and feedback.

k) Information in connection with claims or disputes.

l) Business partners through which you create or access your account, including but not limited to payment providers and social media services.

m) Information contained in any source in the public domain.


5. Information Collected from Subscribers

5.1 In addition to the information collected in paragraph 4 in relation to Subscribers the Company collects the following additional information for Subscribers:

a) Location: As a Service Provider (Driver) we may collect location data when the App is running in the foreground (App open and on-screen) or background (App open but not on screen) of your device in order for Costumers to see the Service Provider’s (Driver’s) location. Providers (Drivers) must enable the Company to collect location information.
b) Marketing service providers.
c) Insurance providers for Drivers.
d) Driver’s Permit: The Company will collect the Driver’s Permit number, the issue date and date of expiry.
e) Financial services providers for Drivers.
f) Partner transportation companies for Service Provider (Drivers) who use our services through an account associated with such a company.
g) Users providing your information in connection with referrals or Promos.
h) Users requesting services for or on your behalf.
i) Vehicle Identification. Information such as license plate, colour, model, make and engine chassis number of the vehicle will be collected by the Company
j) Background Check Information: Background check information if you sign up to use our App as a Service Provider. This may include information such as your Driver history or criminal record (where permitted by law). This information may be collected by a third party on our behalf.


6. How We Use Your Information

The Company may compile the information collected from these sources with other information in its custody. The Company does not sell, disclose or share your personal information to third parties for third-party direct marketing purposes unless permission is given via a separate information share document granting the Company permission to share your name, email address and contact solely for the purpose of marketing and/or promotional use by associated companies within our business hub/eco-system. Notwithstanding, the Company collects information for the following purposes:

a) Providing and Updating Services and Features: To customize, maintain and improve the Company’s products and services as it relates to the use of the App, account creation, updating, identity verification, enabling transportation services, automated processing for calculating charges, processing or enabling payment, tracking your ride, enabling feedback information to other users, troubleshooting software bugs, analysing trends and like activities.
b) Safety and Security: To maintain the safety, security and integrity of our services and users including but not limited to the speed of Drivers during provision of transportation services and Driver background checks.
c) Customer Support: To investigate and resolve complaints and disputes and improve customer support response.
d) Research and development: To test research, analyse and drive product development including but not limited to better payment platforms, improved and user-friendly Account and App features.
e) User to User Communications: To facilitate Customer and Service Provider communication.
f) Company to User Communications: To provide information and updates on services, promos and events.
g) Legal/Litigation: To investigate or address claims or disputes relating to User’s use of the App or give data as required by law.


7. Cookies and Third-Party Technologies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device by websites, Apps, online media, and advertisements. We use cookies and similar technologies to authenticate users, remember user preferences and settings, ascertain content appeal, analysing marketing effectiveness, assessing site traffic and trends and online behaviours and users’ interests. This analysis may be done by third parties on our behalf.

8. Information Sharing and Disclosure

The Company may share information with other users as required by the App to provide services, or at your request or for legal purposes, as follows:

a) With Other Users: The Customer’s name will be shared with the Service Provider (Driver;) the Service Provider's (Driver’s) image, name and contact data will be shared with the Customer; the Service Provider’s (Driver’s) ratings and Customer’s ratings will be shared with all Users

b) At Your Request: Your estimated time of arrival and location may be shared with a friend of a Customer, at the Customer’s request
c) Public Domain: Feedback received from a User on our Website, blogs or social media.
d) With Service Providers and Business Partners: including payment processors and facilitators, background checks, cloud storage providers, data analytics, legal, marketing & accounting service providers, insurers.
e) For Legal/Litigation Reasons. Where it is required to be shared by law or necessary for the Company in any litigation matter to resolve a dispute or a claim.
f) With Your Consent: We may share your information other than as described in this policy if we notify you and you consent to sharing the information.


9. Data Retention

User Account and other data is retained for the duration of your active account. Some information is retained for 7 years and may thereafter be archived in cloud data or deleted. If you terminate consent to the collection or use of personal information for optional features such as calendar or address book, the Company will delete such personal information. Users may request deletion of their accounts at any time. Upon such a request the Company will delete any non-essential information and maintain only that which is required by law or necessary (for record keeping and litigation purposes). If an outstanding dispute or claim exists relating to your Account.


10. Choice and Transparency

The App provides features that allow you to see and control information that is collected through in-App privacy settings, device permissions, in-App ratings pages, marketing opt-outs. You can also request the correction of your data from the Company.


11. Device Permissions:

Most mobile platforms have defined certain types of device data that Apps cannot access without your consent. And these platforms have different permission systems for obtaining your consent. The iOS platform will alert you the first time the App wants permission to access certain types of data and will let you consent (or not consent) to that request. Android devices will notify you of the permissions that the App seeks before you first use the app, and your use of the App constitutes your consent.

We are using the following permission set for only input purposes. These permissions are not used to store any type of personal information from the user.


Above authorizations are utilized distinctly to catch data from the camera, perused telephone state, and read contact for perusing contact subtleties for a crisis call. Information of client taking under authorization is appropriately secure and under law of google consents.

Location Permission Declaration:


Above permission is used for access location after allowing the user for accurate delivery of the product to the customer. Location service is used under the privacy policy of Google Play Developer Program Policies. We don’t share any type of location data or customer information for any additional resources. we ensure to the customer for safe and accurate delivery with privacy taking under an authorization is appropriately secure and under the law of google consents.


Above the location background, permission is used for Delivery/service (for example, food, package) tracking on the user side. Location service is used under the privacy policy of Google Play Developer Program Policies. We don’t share any type of location data or customer information for any additional resources taking under an authorization is appropriately secure and under the law of google consents.


12. Ratings

After every trip/service provided, Servicer Provider (Drivers) and Customers (Riders) are able to rate each other and give feedback on the trip experience to ensure accountability. Ratings and feedback are anonymous. As such, the other party will not be able to see the rating or feedback you left. Only MyTripTT staff will have access to this data.


13. Correction

You may request to receive a copy of the information that the Company has compiled about you or the reason for collecting of a piece of information or to correct any inaccuracies (upon presentation of proof of correct data) that Company has stored. You can edit your Account profile. Request to correct data can be made to

14. Marketing Opt Outs.

You may opt out of receiving promotional email by sending us an email to or by following the instructions in those messages. If you opt out, we may still send you non-promotional messages, such as receipts for your rides or information about your account.


15. How We Protect Your Information

The internet is not a secure medium and so your information cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. However, we have put in place various security procedures as set out in this policy. Your Account is password protected so that only you and authorized employees of the Company have access. We also keep your information confidential. The internal procedures cover the storage, access and disclosure of your information.


16. Sale of business

If this business is sold or integrated with another business your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and their advisers and will be passed on to the new owners of the business.


17. Your Consent

By submitting your information and your use of the App you consent to the use of that information as set out in this policy. If the Company changes its privacy policy, we will post the changes on our App page and may place notices on other pages of the website, so that you may be aware of the information we collect and how we always use it. We will also e-mail you should we make any changes so that you may consent to our use of your information in that way. Continued use of the service will signify that you agree to any such changes.


18. Contact Information

We would like to hear from you regarding this privacy statement at the contact address given at the App. Should there be any concerns about contravention of this Privacy Policy, we will employ all commercially reasonable efforts to address the same. The terms in this Policy may be changed by us at any time. Should you have concerns regarding this Policy or the Services that we offer, please feel free to write to us.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, all users or visitors of the App agree that they have read the terms mentioned in this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by them for as long as they continue to either use the App or avail Services of the Company.